About The Plan
The Long-Range Campus Development Plan emerges from a process of listening, exploration, and discussion that generates ideas and possibilities to meet our goals for the main Moscow campus and how it serves our educational and research missions.
What is a Long- Range Campus Development Plan?
A campus development plan is an effective way of aligning the university’s future development on campus. It provides a detailed framework for growth, innovation, and changes as well as for preserving the heritage of open space and natural beauty we value so highly.
This is an opportunity for U of I to leverage what’s working, re-examine issues, and prioritize goals. This project will primarily guide the physical development of the Moscow campus and also consider statewide locations. The plan will provide short and long-term objectives with a 30-year outline and serve as an extension of the Strategic Plan to meet the educational needs of the state and beyond through a commitment to student success, excellence, community engagement, and lifelong learning.
This is an opportunity for U of I to leverage what’s working, re-examine issues, and prioritize goals. This project will primarily guide the physical development of the Moscow campus and also consider statewide locations. The plan will provide short and long-term objectives with a 30-year outline and serve as an extension of the Strategic Plan to meet the educational needs of the state and beyond through a commitment to student success, excellence, community engagement, and lifelong learning.

Why Is This Important?
The Educational Landscape is Changing
The last LRCDP, which was completed in 1997, needs to be updated to ensure that the plan recommendations are current with the academic, research, and student life needs of students in the 21st century. The plan will articulate concepts that make the University distinctive and meaningful to the community and beyond.
As Part of the UI Community, Your Voice Matters.
We want to hear your perspective on the spaces that you feel will make the campus even more vibrant, connected, usable, and beautiful. Your thoughts, concerns, and feedback throughout the planning process will help guide this process and shape the physical campus for years to come. We will look at topics such as buildings, streets, parking, walkways, open spaces, learning environments, and many other physical campus elements during this process. We will work together to create a campus for the next generation of students, faculty, and staff.
The last LRCDP, which was completed in 1997, needs to be updated to ensure that the plan recommendations are current with the academic, research, and student life needs of students in the 21st century. The plan will articulate concepts that make the University distinctive and meaningful to the community and beyond.
As Part of the UI Community, Your Voice Matters.
We want to hear your perspective on the spaces that you feel will make the campus even more vibrant, connected, usable, and beautiful. Your thoughts, concerns, and feedback throughout the planning process will help guide this process and shape the physical campus for years to come. We will look at topics such as buildings, streets, parking, walkways, open spaces, learning environments, and many other physical campus elements during this process. We will work together to create a campus for the next generation of students, faculty, and staff.

Space Use Study
The Long-Range Campus Development Plan is envisioned to complement the Space Use Study, which seeks to examine and evaluate U of I’s current profile of space utilization and distribution. Together, the Long-Range Campus Development Plan and the Space Use Study will support the university’s Strategic Plan and will serve as vital tools for future decision-making.
Your Partner
SmithGroup is recognized as a leading campus planning and design firm in the United States and provides the university with full-service, multidisciplinary planning and design, thought leadership, data visualization, and research planning. The University of Idaho is working with SmithGroup to lead the planning effort for the Long-Range Campus Development Plan and to manage the content of this website.
Our Process
Each phase builds upon the previous one to generate ideas and deepen our understanding of the issues and opportunities that will inform the campus planning effort. We look forward to hearing from you!
Campus planning starts with a process of discovery—getting to know U of I: your goals, aspirations, current challenges, and opportunities for the future. We will gain a deep understanding of the campus’s existing facilities condition, capacity, and the way they are currently used. Systems affecting the daily life of the campus will be assessed. In addition to the campuses, the plan will examine connectivity with the broader community, the region, and state. These systems determine the physical framework of the campus and opportunities for sustainable development.
During this phase, we will use data and analysis completed in the previous phase to produce a comprehensive understanding of campus challenges and opportunities. We will test different ways to organize uses on campus, update facilities, enhance systems, and enliven spaces. From testing ideas, we will share options for the future of the campus for discussion and debate.
The strongest ideas that emerge will be combined into the LRCDP. This plan will add specificity to the character, location, and amount of new development, renovation, reuse, or re-purposed space. Additionally, we will create recommendations for improvements to campus. During this last phase, we will document the campus plan in a final report and provide a flexible framework to help guide your future vision!
Our Schedule

The Understand Phase
Spring Semester 2024 / February - June 2024
The Understand Phase includes Campus Visit #1 in March, which will kick off the Discovery process, followed by interpretation of findings.
Findings and Analysis are then presented at Campus Visit #2 in May.
Findings and Analysis are then presented at Campus Visit #2 in May.
The Explore Phase
Summer and Fall 2024 / June - December 2024
The Explore Phase includes development of the preliminary plan. Campus Visit #3 in September will include review of the preliminary plan, and work on that plan culminates in Campus Visit #4 around November, when the Preliminary Plan is presented to the campus community.
The Realize Phase
Spring Semester 2025 / December 2024 - May 2025
The Realize Phase includes development of the Long-Range Campus Development Plan. The Final Plan is presented at Campus Visit #5 in February 2025, with the final report delivered to UC around the end of April 2025.